
The Self-Help Closet & Pantry of Des Plaines is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, charitable organization. We are accepting PayPal donations to help supplement the purchase of groceries for our clients. Please click here or the yellow button to use our secure PayPal account to make your donation. If you are donating in someone's honor or memory, to the Community Backpack Project, please note in the comment section. If you would like to cover the PayPal fee to the Pantry, please add 1.6% plus 30 cents to the amount.

Did You Know...

In May 2024, we served a total of 1,213 individuals compared to 1,069 individuals in May 2023 and 541 individuals in May 2022.

Drop-Off Donation Hours

Monday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Saturday 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Donations must be delivered inside the Pantry during drop-off hours. Items left outside our door will be disposed of as they attract neighborhood wildlife. Please pull in to the parking lot and around to the gray side door on the north side closest to Holiday Lane. Let a volunteer know you are there, and they will assist you.

We also gratefully accept cash, checks, postage stamps, and gift cards. All contributions are tax-deductible in accordance with the law. A receipt is provided upon request, and we will send you a thank-you if you sign in at the Pantry with your name, address or email address. We do not share your information with any other agency nor do we mail out requests for money.

Red Barrels

Look for our red barrels located in businesses, stores, block parties, etc. around town and drop your non-perishable food items there. Contact us at 847-375-1443 or email if you would like one for your event. Click on locations in the map below for exact locations of the red barrels!

By Mail

Mail checks payable to the Self-Help Closet & Pantry of Des Plaines (or SHC&P)  to 769 Holiday Lane, Des Plaines, IL 60016. Cash donations enable us to buy perishable groceries such as meat, cheese, butter and milk.

two volunteers in red shirts stand in front of the shelves full of canned foods

 Suggested Items We Accept 

Please click on the Home tab for the list of most needed items at this time. If you are donating food items specifically for the Community Backpack Project, please write "CBP'  on a slip of paper and include it in the donation bag.

Food and Personal Items


We accept seasonal clothing, jackets and shoes in very good condition.

Items We Cannot Accept